Naps punctuate the to-and-fro momentum of life.
Sometimes, we believe that reality can wait.
Sandglass is a personal and ambient nap assistant that carefully measures moments of silvery shuteye so that you wake punctually.
Like the “hourglass” which its named after, Sandglass measures time. Watching sand trickle down made the passage of time felt peaceful and that is how Sandglass aims to be — quiet, calm and meditative.
Sandglass is a minimalist nap alarm and nap timer that ensures you meet reality on time. With Sandglass, your nap remains a nap, unless you choose otherwise. It is perfect for everyone — nappers, light sleepers, deep sleepers, monophasic sleepers, biphasic sleepers, polyphasic sleepers and insomniac friends.
In our fast-paced society, we constantly feel like we do not have time. Not enough time to commit to new hobbies, to pause and to sleep. Long hours of sleep are a luxury to working urbanites. Naps, compared to sleep, can be accommodated to any schedule. When you nap, you are incorporating a healthy habit into your routine. Naps allow us to quiet our mind for a short while, slow down, enter a temporary dreamscape so that we can focus with more clarity when we wake.
Take a power nap, a baby nap, a siesta, a cat nap or just simply nap in peace with Sandglass. The app is suitable for all audiences — from parents, teenagers, working adults and elderlies.
Sandglass can also be used for other purposes such as productivity (such as timeboxing), yoga (perfect for shavasana) and meditation. 📝🌙
Nap Index
🔎 Taken from Success Magazine (Defers accordingly to individuals)
⚫ 15 minutes — 30 minutes: For energy and alertness. Suitable duration for a coffee nap.
⚪ 30 minutes — 45 minutes nap: For energy, alertness and mind-clearing.
⚫ 60 minutes: All of the above and a creativity boost.
⚪ 90 minute nap: The ideal nap giving the same effects of a full sleep. It helps to reduce sleep inertia and allows you to wake from REM sleep.
Sleep Patterns
⚫ Monophasic Sleep: One period of sleep over a day.
⚪ Biphasic Sleep: A longer period of sleep at night and a shorter period of sleep in the daytime/afternoon.
⚫ Polyphasic Sleep: Rest from 4 to 6 times a day. The sleep combinations can be categorised into:
i) Everyman: x1 long period of rest (up to 3 hours) + x3 20 minutes nap throughout the day.
ii) Uberman: x6 30 minute naps throughout the day. (3 hours a day)
iii) Dymaxion: 30 minute naps every 6 hours. (2 hours a day)
Sandglass' Features
⚫ Dark and monochromatic app user interface design for visual comfort.
⚪ Two alarm profiles to toggle between — for example: work and home, a power nap and a long one, a light sleep and deep sleep.
⚫ Snooze duration for each nap duration.
⚪ Snooze limit to control your snoozing tendencies.
⚫ A minimalist & ambient timer view that is ideal for productivity or meditation sessions
⚪ Notes* that act like reminders when you wake up.
⚫ Custom alarms* that are ideal for planning specific sleep durations or sleep cycles.
⚪ An extensive icon gallery* that personalises the experience of Sandglass.
*Requires user to unlock the app.
The Sandman's Guide to Napping or Falling Asleep
1⃣ Long hold to edit either alarm profiles. These are the (1) and (2) icons at the top bar.
2⃣ Tap to select the alarm profile you wish to wake up to.
3⃣ Tap on Settings icon at bottom bar and tap on Snooze Limit. Select your desired Snooze Limit.
4⃣ Tap on the Hourglass icon to go back to home page. Long hold on your desired nap duration to edit your nap's snooze duration. Once edited, tap to select your nap duration and nap in peace. 💤
5⃣ Tap twice to snooze or swipe down to dismiss the nap alarm.
Sandglass is created by a small team. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work to better your experience. 🙏
Facebook: @sandglass.nap